Virtual Horticultural Show
Please support Hayling's wonderful Horticultural Show which puts on wonderful arts, crafts and flower shows for everyone to enjoy and...

Sinah Field:Barratt Homes Appeal
Hayling Island Residents’ Association (HIRA) is surprised that Sinah Field Developer, Barratt Homes, has chosen to launch an Appeal to...
Anti-Social Behaviours
Authorities seem unable to stop the following behaviours that seriously distress residents. These are excerpts of complaints sent to our...
June 3rd Cabinet Minutes
Pages 6 following from the above Minutes are the most relevant extracts on the issue of Nitrate Neutrality. These are too lengthy for...
Elm Grove APP/20/00015
Please note that what appears to be the previous Pullingers site has a new Planning Application in as above. Nearby residents/businesses...
Nitrates Worries
Portsmouth News June 12th 2020 reported on problems for builders and Councils when seeking mitigation measures for nitrates pollution. ...
Local Plan Cabinet Decision July 1st
Relevant extracts from David Hayward's reply to Anne Skennerton's email requesting information: Cabinet will be considering changes to...
Cabinet Meeting Wednesday
Urgent: HBC Cabinet Meeting is this Wednesday June 3rd 2pm . There is...
Virus Focus on Green Spaces
Cllr. Wilson’s statement concerning the HI Transport Assessment Addendum (Herald May 2020 p.9) that the Hayling Infrastructure Advisory...