Scam Warning & Coastal Updates
HIRA’s first post-COVID Public Meeting welcomed well over 100 members and non-members to a lively evening demonstrating profound concern...
Joined-Up Thinking?
Readers could be forgiven for wondering if there is a lack of joined-up thinking amongst the ‘powers-that-be’ when it comes to planning...
Environmental Neglect
The Environment Bill, currently at the House of Lords Committee stage, replaces EU law with Government’s legal responsibility for our...
Enforcement Action Needed!
Following my last Article featuring our Council’s failure to provide a designated officer or councillor with responsibility for...
Lack of Enforcement (May-June 2021)
Our Council’s failure to provide a designated officer or councillor with responsibility for monitoring conditions prior to development...
Sinah Saga Continues
October 2020’s Development Management Committee (to be renamed Planning Committee) advisory meeting concerning Barratt Homes’ Sinah...
Protect Your Green Environment Jan-Feb 2021
May I wish all readers a very happy and healthy New Year as we look forward to lengthening days and signs of Spring in the next few...
Planning White Paper Numbers Nov-Dec 2020
Three different, connected, issues underline the importance of residents’ individual, responsible, action. Everyone should have responded...
Not so proactive nor robust! Sept-Oct 2020
Hayling’s precious value as a natural and refreshing respite from urban sprawl has been hugely valued over recent intense heat and COVID...
Planning Decisions Prioritised July-Aug 2020
Inevitably Covid-19 has impacted on our Councils’ functioning. The Coronavirus Act 2020 Section 78 (viewable online) and the National...