An increasing number of Hayling Infrastructure Advisory Group residents are calling for a meeting with Havant Borough Council & Hampshire County Council to explore the very urgent need for a proper Transport Assessment - as promised by the Satchwell Amendment, of which we've heard nothing since its acceptance at full Havant Borough Council 30-01-19. I attach a copy of correspondence we've received re already increased A3023/A27 traffic - of concern as we are not yet into summer/fine weather traffic loads. We'll let you know of any developments on this subject but again, please do email/write in to your Councillors, cc HIRA, or just let us know of any replies. Silence, for many Councils/Councillors, implies consent and they take greater notice of individual complaints/concerns.
One bus-using resident wrote 02-4-19 to our Councillors, Havant Borough Council & copied in other Hayling Infrastructure Advisory Group members - yet to be given another meeting date:
"On Friday even my bus driver said: "And we have 5 or 6 months more of this". As we eventually passed the junction with Solent Road a car was (not unusually) stuck across the north/south carriageways, because the way was blocked. Sometimes it is a delivery lorry that gets stuck there.
Friday lunchtimes are always bad, especially when the weather is warm. It can take 30 minutes to do one mile. Please could Highways do something about the timing of the lights on Langstone roundabout and the possibility of cross-hatching, so that considerably more than two cars can access the roundabout on a green light."
02-4-29 Save Our Island's Dave Parham also wrote to the same people above, including Hants. County Council Highways Engineering Dept:
"Here we are in a new year and on Friday 29 March the A27 junction was gridlocked through the early afternoon. There was no accident or blockage to blame – it was just the volume of traffic southbound to Hayling Island. This is not yet summer or a Bank Holiday, just a sunny workday Friday.
We have raised this major problem many times, and note with dismay and concern that the Local Plan Transport Assessment does not address the A3023 capacity or the A27 junction as the primary infrastructure issues. Therefore the impact of the Housing Allocations are not being adequately assessed, and this, if not evaluated correctly, will result in a severe impact on the Island community.
Why is HBC ignoring all of the evidence and allowing an inadequate Transport Assessment to be accepted as part of the Local Plan?
A statement on the Satchwell Amendment is now long overdue, together with the re-evaluation process including representation from the community."
Please do make the effort to email/write to your Councillors & the relevant Council CEO or Department on issues on which you want answers. It is important to have your concerns logged as 'inquiries' so that there is a record that later can be requested.
Finally, please keep using your local, small shops/businesses which make our Island distinctive with high quality and local produce. These provide whole families with income and in a smaller footprint plus reduce our need to find such artisan shops on the mainland.