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Control of Dogs Survey

Survey (see below) on dogs in public places expires Nov. 27th! Just a thought on this subject...out of respect for other dog owners or those fearful of dogs off leads, if you are a dog owner please keep them on a lead if you are not prepared to monitor them closely (because you're on the phone for example) or your dog does not come back on your second call - having to chase after and shout at them is not 'having them under control' and can result in you being liable for injury or distress to people or other animals. If you own a dog that is particularly active, perhaps sign up for dog agility classes which are great fun and excellent training for dogs & owners! Also please remember that if you are on the coast, migrating birds need to feed & roost in fields at high tide: constant disturbance by dogs makes the birds' survival less likely. You may not notice or be interested in wildfowl like lapwing, oyster catchers, Brent Geese but they depend on our environment whilst our dogs can still enjoy a good walk on an extending lead - and perhaps it will give the owner more exercise too! Survey on Havant Borough Council

HAVANT.GOV.UK Public space protection order - dogs in the borough survey | Havant Borough Council Havant Borough Council introduced a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in 2017 (and then granted a year-long extension up to 2021), which updated all previous dog byelaws into a single order. This order covered the exclusion of dogs from specified land including recreation grounds and tennis cour...



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