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English Devolution: Have Your Say!

Please take the time to start reading through Havant Borough Council's press release Feb. 17th HBC Devolution Press Release explaining the devolution proposals and providing the necessary links: click on that highlighted blue heading then click again on the 'Go to' link that appears below.   If you haven't already heard about the devolution issue it concerns government's plans to completely change governance throughout England as set out in their English Devolution White Paper 16-12-24.  Regardless of whether or not you think you have any grasp of our country's system of government at local or regional level, it's very important that you make the effort to at least read both the council's explanation (first link above) and then what you are being asked to comment on (link further below).  Please don't simply rely on your favourite press coverage - it may even be misleading!

It is pointless just to respond: "I don't agree".  Just because we have a system to which we've all become accustomed, doesn't necessarily mean that it is the best one.  In human affairs we rarely achieve that.  There is always of course the issue of money: its origin, who controls it and the commercial/business interests that inevitably persuade all elected governments.  I hope you will agree that we need to read the information on the links provided, noting also where the money would be going to and how it would be managed.  Given what many complain is a currently inefficient system, how could the proposals work better for us locally.  We won't know unless we each take the trouble to read and grapple with the detail.  

This is the link again Hampshire & the Solent Devolution and beneath that report, online, is another link on how to respond.  There is time to read this - please don't ignore it.  Pass on this information to as many other residents as you know and encourage them also to read and understand as much as they can.  We're all in the same boat or even island, so we each need to read what we can of the original documents: perhaps little & often will help!



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