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Public Meeting: Langstone Mill Pond & Pathway

The sea wall between Wade Lane and Langstone Mill, near Havant, collapsed onto the shore in March 2022 during Storm Eunice. Many people are working towards a solution but nothing has been done as Natural England prefer to let it be allowed to go to SALTMARSH. However, the danger now extends to Langstone Mill Pond which is protected by an earthen dam beneath the footpath. If the dam fails, all 15,000 tons of water and silt currently in the pond will gush out onto the harbour and that would be irreversible. The Mill Pond is home to an amazing array of birds, including little egrets, cattle egrets, heron, various warblers and a family of swans. There are also 11 varieties of BAT, including two very rare ones, that feed here at night. All these are at risk if the path fails. Please sign the petition to raise awareness and show Natural England that we do not want this beauty spot to be lost to SALTMARSH - PLEASE rebuild the wall and Protect the Pond for the next generation.

Public Meeting: Thursday Sept. 28th 7-9pm. St. Faiths Church, Havant

Our MP, Councillors and they hope the press too will be there. Show your support, encourage others to join you and come along. Visit www.change/org/p/coastal-erosion-at-Langstone or scan the QR code on the flyer on our FB to sign our petition. Thank you. Comments/suggestions to:


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