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Sinah Saga Continues

October 2020’s Development Management Committee (to be renamed Planning Committee) advisory meeting concerning Barratt Homes’ Sinah Development Application gave residents no confidence in a system that effectively asserted the primacy of Government policy over Local Authorities’ Councillors having the right to make local planning determinations based on relevant concerns such as Deputations. That Committee’s advisory decision stated what “they would have resolved had the application not gone to appeal.” Barratt Homes’ Appeal had been made “against the failure of HBC to give notice of its decision within the appropriate period“ and, now received by the Government Planning Inspectorate Appeal Ref: APP/X1735/W/20/3253633, requires anyone’s reasoned representations to be received by March 11th 2021 either online (go to or posted: Milena Opolska The Planning Inspectorate, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol BS1 6PN. Existing comments should be automatically forwarded.

Meanwhile Barratt Homes’ renewed Sinah Lane Planning Application Dec. 1st validation (APP/20/01093) for 195 homes off Sinah Lane, with a SuDS in an effort to make urban drainage systems compatible with eg storm surge overflows, plus an additional sewage holding tank and pumping station, does not allay residents’ fears for local current and future householders’ well-being. Despite Christmas and only weeks for consultations, 507 Objections and only 1 Supporter Comment were received. Those living in close proximity to Sinah field know well the low-lying site’s vulnerabilities to groundwater and tides referenced in Flood Risk Assessments in the Application. Amongst residents’ grave concerns is the Report’s “Where SuDs are provided arrangements must be put in place for their whole life management and maintenance.” SuDs are not adopted by local authorities and whatever maintenance, complications or incidents arise from it, ultimately the 195 home-occupiers will be footing the bill. Property management companies typically manage the SuDs – and perhaps other aspects of the development’s grounds – and their charges usually increase annually. If these homes are for local, young, first-time buyers, or indeed those retiring to down-size for lower maintenance, are they sufficiently experienced or aware of such uncertain costs?

Fine Spring/Summer weather will entice out-of-area visitors to our beaches. HBC thinks that posters, social media and public reporting to our police of “enforcement issues” is the solution to enforce Government “stay local” rules. Did that work last year? Other Councils sensibly restricted access; will our Councillors walk on crowded beaches?


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