Two Excellent Presentations: 4 Useful Links
Kate L'Amie's Chichester Harbour Conservancy presentation at HIRA's public meeting yesterday evening was excellent. She is an informative and engaging speaker whose enthusiasm engaged all her audience throughout the evening. It was fascinating to hear how the Conservancy and those working with them are making at least some progress in rectifying the long-standing problems throughout the harbour. If either you or anyone else you know is interested in helping to carry out such work please do let the Conservancy know - there is plenty to do!
You might find this link useful:
We were very fortunate that Cllrs. Jonathan Hulls, Wilf Forrow and Netty Shepherd were able, at short notice, to provide slides and clear exposition on the key elements concerning the council's recently produced draft local plan. It was emphasized that although, for strong reasons regarding the island's constraints, no large developments are listed for Hayling, there are still a handful of sites that Barratt Homes, for example, will be working hard to push through before the local plan becomes formally adopted.
The councillors urged all residents to respond to the coming May public consultation, making sure we are fully aware of those constraints or limits that we would reasonably expect should prevent further large developments on Hayling. Please keep yourself informed particularly regarding the specific flooding risks together with our island's single access road and bridge on/off the island. You might find it helpful to retain any published material, such as in the Herald, providing such details for your reference. Remember: every response counts!
One member urged the councillors to compile dates and locations of all flooding events over the years as evidence to demonstrate that the flood risks are real and a threat to life and property. Moreover these risks are not reducing. All agreed that we do not want panic nor house values to lessen; rather we will need hard information for the local plan inspection. The councillors agreed to compile such information. Please pass on such information especially with date and known road location either to your councillor or via HIRA for me to pass on to them. It was suggested that names for example are not necessary.
Thank you to all those who braved the cold and came along. The hall was reasonably warm, certainly not cold, and I think that, thanks to the excellent presentations, the evening passed quickly.
Next meeting: June. Suggestions for speakers? Please let us know!
Useful council local plan links:
Havant Draft Local Plan:
Read the committee papers and the draft plan and watch the 6-Feb Overview & Scrutiny meeting:
Sign up for e-newsletters (you'll get an email notification when the consultation starts):