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Warblington Farm: Misleading

There is strong feeling amongst many that the claims made in Havant Borough Council's recent Press Release (see The News Thurs. Sept. 10th) are somewhat misleading. Firstly the Farm is currenty a traditional one with hedgerows, plenty of birdlife, access by public footpaths & not intensively farmed. It is already owned by the Council and I understand that this is simply an adjustment to the lease, continuing to allow the farmer to graze his cows on it; he just wouldn't be allowed to add any supplements for the grass. So there will still be dairy farming &, contrary to the cartoon, the cows won't need a suitcase. So exactly how will the £225,000 given by Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) be spent "facilitating" this "system"?

How can Alan Mak MP applaud our farmers in the House of Commons today whilst in his own Constituency our farmers are being encouraged to give up their land for building developments?



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